Resolving HTML5 Video Not Properly Encoded Error on Android, Chrome, Firefox

Resolving HTML5 Video Not Properly Encoded Error on Android, Chrome, Firefox

Editorial Team, 12 Jan 2024

HTML5 has revolutionized the way we embed and play videos on the web, offering a rich multimedia experience. However, occasionally, users  encounter errors related to video playback, such as the “HTML5 video not properly encoded” or “HTML5 video file not found” messages. These errors can be frustrating, but fret not! In this troubleshooting guide, we will explore common causes and solutions to help you resolve these issues.

1. HTML5 Video Not Properly Encoded:

When you encounter the “HTML5 video not properly encoded” error, it typically indicates that your web browser doesn’t support with the video file’s encoding format. Here’s how you can solve this problem:

Verify video file compatibility:

Check video file that you are playing is in a supported format for HTML5 playback, such as MP4, WebM, or Ogg. If your video is not in the format then convert the video to a compatible format. You can easily covert html video with handbrake software.

Handbrake (1)

Check encoding settings:

Ensure that the video file is encoded using the appropriate codec and settings. To check Video codecs you can use encoding software or video player like VLC to ensure compatibility with HTML5.

VLC codec (1)

2. HTML5 Video File Not Found:

The “HTML5 video file not found” error  can be occur because of many causes. Especially when the video is expected to play. The main cause of this error is the backhand code glitches of the website and the browser incompatibility with the html video. Here are some solution to solve this error easily

Check file path and location:

Confirm that the video file is uploaded to the correct directory on your server and that the file path in the HTML code is accurate. Verify the spelling, capitalization, and case sensitivity of the file name.

Confirm server permissions:

Make sure the video file and its parent directory have the necessary permissions set for web access. Check the file permissions on the server to ensure they are appropriately configured.

Change Browser to Microsoft Edge:

If you don’t want any headaches then simply switch your browser to microsoft edge where this kind of problem will be not occur.

edge (1)

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3. HTML5 Video Not Properly Encoded on Android:

If you are experiencing the “HTML5 video not properly encoded” error on Android devices, follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue:

Update the browser:

Install the latest version of the browser on your Android device. Outdated browser versions may have compatibility issues with certain video codecs.

Optimize video encoding:

Use compatible video codecs and settings optimized for Android devices. Consider using the H.264 video codec with AAC audio, as it is widely supported on Android platforms.

4. HTML5 Video Not Properly Encoded on Chrome:

If you encounter the “HTML5 video not properly encoded” error specifically on Google Chrome, try the following solutions:

Clear browser cache:

Clear your browser cache to eliminate any temporary conflicts that may be affecting video playback.

clear cache on chrome (1)

Disable extensions:

Temporarily disable any browser extensions or add-ons that might interfere with video playback. Restart Chrome and check if the issue persists. To disable any extension follow these steps:

  • First open Google Chrome.
  • Then simply go to extension section.
  • Turn off the extension you want to disable.

Disable chrome extentsioni (1)

5. HTML5 File Not Properly encoded on Firefox:

If you’re facing the “HTML5 file not found” error on Mozilla Firefox, try the following steps:

Update Firefox:

Ensure that you are using the latest version of Firefox. Outdated browser versions may have compatibility issues with HTML5 video playback.

Check video file format:

Verify that the video file is in a supported format for Firefox playback, such as MP4, WebM, or Ogg. Convert the video file to a compatible format if needed.

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Encountering errors like “HTML5 video not properly encoded” or “HTML5 video file not found” can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting steps, you can overcome these challenges. By verifying file compatibility, checking encoding settings, confirming file paths, and keeping browsers up to date, you can ensure a smooth HTML5 video playback experience across different browsers and platforms. Remember, if you continue to experience difficulties, consulting with a web developer or seeking support from relevant forums can provide further assistance in resolving these issues.

Amanda Starc

Amanda Starc

Amanda is a dedicated technical web content writer with a passion for transforming complex ideas into compelling and accessible online narratives. With a background in web development, and digital Marketing I bring a unique blend of technical expertise and creative storytelling to the digital domain.

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